Aurora: NetIntel® reveals in-network vulnerabilities and associated risk ratings. Aurora: NetIntel® expands and connects into the Threat Actor Landscape revealing the potential for stolen or exposed Intellectual Property, Code, and PII. Built for IT Security Professionals.
3D Network Analysis instantly provides powerful visualization of IPv4 vulnerabilities found in your network and their connections to critical assets, allowing the analyst to assess the risk context
Cyber Risk
Cyber Risk is analyzed automatically by comprehensively observing the Severity of the CVE, and provides extensive specifics required by the sophisticated IT departments.
Hack Risk
Hack Risk provides the analysis of Malware, Attack Risk, and Attack Surface, based on Actor, Source, Site Channel, Intent, Opportunity, and Capability.
Data Risk
Data Risk is analyzed by reviewing C2 data vulnerabilities including Severity, Sensitivity, Exploitability, Impact, the likelihood of Breach, and Mitigation.
Custom Analytics
Contact us to learn more about how we can
customize our analytics to meet your bespoke use case.